Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Interior's Wild Horse Chief Strongly Denies Claims of 'Extinction' Management

The Interior Department's wild horse and burro chief assured critics that her agency is not selling horses for slaughter and that the agency is not contributing to the extinction of this two animals. Joan Guilfoyle, division chief for the Bureau of Land Management's wild horse and burro program, said a mix of fertility control and herd gathers is critical to maintaining a healthy balance on the range, but that extinction is not the agency foult. The owner of the agency also said that that BLM sells horses only to those who have pledged to treat them humanely and not sell them for slaughter. "As a matter of fact, BLM prosecutes people who do that," said Guilfoyle. As she talked, the crowed shouted "Lies" and "We don't believe you." A pair of Utah men were indicted by a federal grand jury for an alleged scheme that investigators said involved the planned sale of wild horses to Mexico for slaughter. I think that if this is realy happening the government should take action against this unlawful things because they are literaly killing all the wild horses and burros in America.

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