Thursday, November 3, 2011

Climate change causing massive movement of tree species across the West

"In an enormous display of survival of the fittest, the forests of the future are taking a new shape." Says the writer of the article, according to the article scientists outline the impact that a changing climate will have on which tree species can survive, and where. The study suggests that many species that were once able to survive and thrive are losing their competitive footholds, and opportunistic newcomers will eventually push them out. So according to what the article says in the future the natural trees you see around you will probably die out and be found in unnatural places. For example we might start finding palm trees in colder places. "In some cases, once-common species such as lodgepole pine will be replaced by other trees, perhaps a range expansion of ponderosa pine or Douglas-fir," says the writer. The article also says that some areas may shift completely out of forest into grass savannah or sagebrush desert. In central California, researchers concluded that more than half of the species now present would not be expected to persist in the climate conditions of the future. 

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